How to Start Mac in Internet Recovery Mode Featured Image

How to Start Mac in Internet Recovery Mode – 2 Simple Methods

Boot Mac into Internet Recovery Mode

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Last updated: August 21, 2024

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To start Intel-based Mac in Internet Recovery Mode:

  1. Shut down your Mac.
  2. Press and hold Command ⌘ + Option ⌥ + R keys and the Power button.
  3. Keep holding until the Apple logo or spinning globe appears.
  4. Release the keys and wait for Internet Recovery Mode to load.

Tried and Tested ✅: The methods and steps mentioned in this article have been tried and tested firsthand by Ojash Yadav on his MacBook Pro M3 and rechecked for errors on Hashir’s MacBook Air M2.

When your Mac isn’t working right, it can be frustrating and disruptive. But don’t worry—there’s an easy fix. Internet Recovery Mode can help get your Mac back to normal, and this guide will show you exactly how to enter Mac in Internet Recovery mode.

How to Start Mac in Internet Recovery Mode

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The process for entering Internet Recovery Mode on a Mac differs depending on whether it has an Apple M1 processor or an Intel-based processor. So, you must identify your Mac model before starting.

To determine your Mac’s processor type, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Apple menu and select About This Mac.
click apple icon and select about this mac
  1. In the new window, you should see the Processor/Chip information.
in the overview tab you should see the processor information
  1. If the processor or chip is listed as Apple M1, your Mac has an Apple Silicon processor.
  2. If the processor is listed as Intel, your Mac is Intel-based.

Now, that you have identified your Mac’s processor type, you can move on to starting it in Internet Recovery Mode:

Make sure your internet connection is stable before starting Internet Recovery Mode. A weak connection can cause the process to fail or take much longer.

1. Starting Internet Recovery Mode on Apple M1 Macs

Follow these steps to start internet recovery mode on Apple M1 Mac:

  1. Turn off your M1 Mac by clicking the Apple menu and selecting Shut Down.
click the apple icon and select shut down
  1. Press and hold the Power button on your Mac until you see the startup options window appear.
macbook air touch id
  1. Click the Options icon in the startup options window.
click options on startup options page
  1. Select Continue to boot your Mac into Recovery Mode.
  2. In the Recovery window, click the Apple menu and select Restart.
click the apple icon and select restart
  1. Hold down the Power button until you see the startup options window again.
macbook air touch id
  1. Click the Options icon in the startup options window.
click options on startup options page
  1. Select Internet Recovery to start your Mac in Internet Recovery Mode.

Internet Recovery Mode will erase your existing data if you choose to reinstall macOS. Be sure to back up your data before starting the process.

2. Starting Internet Recovery Mode on Intel-Based Macs

To enter Internet Recovery Mode on Intel-based Macs, follow these steps:

  1. Shut down your Mac.
  2. Press and hold the Command + Option  + R keys with the Power button to turn on your Mac.
macbook air command option r keys
  1. Hold the keys until you see the Apple logo or a spinning globe on the screen.
  2. Release the keys and wait for the Internet Recovery Mode to load.

What You Can Do in Mac Internet Recovery Mode

When you start your Mac in Internet Recovery Mode, you can use several important tools to fix or restore your system. Here are five key things you can do:

  1. 🛠️ Run Hardware Diagnostics: Check your Mac’s hardware for problems.
  2. 💻 Reinstall macOS: Download and install the latest version of macOS from Apple’s servers.
  3. 💿 Use Disk Utility: Manage, repair, and format your Mac’s hard drive.
  4. 🌐 Access Safari: Browse the web to find help and download software.
  5. 🔒 Set Firmware Password: Add or remove a password for extra startup security.

Quick Comparison: Recovery Mode vs. Internet Recovery Mode

Many users confuse Recovery Mode with Internet Recovery Mode, but they are different. Here’s a comparison table between recovery mode and internet recovery mode. 

AspectRecovery ModeInternet Recovery Mode
PurposeLocal troubleshooting and macOS reinstallation.Recover macOS when local recovery is unavailable.
Internet RequiredNoYes
Tool LocationOn the Mac’s hard driveDownloaded from Apple’s servers
macOS VersionReinstalls the last installed versionInstalls original or closest compatible version
Use CasesStandard repairs and reinstallationFor missing or damaged recovery partitions
Disk UtilityYesYes
Safari AccessNoYes
Hardware DiagnosticsYes, limited without InternetYes, full access
Firmware PasswordYesYes

Bringing Your Mac Back to Normal

Starting up your Mac in Internet Recovery Mode is a useful tool that can help you troubleshoot and solve various issues with your Mac.

Check out these tips for future Mac maintenance:

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Internet Recovery Mode recover data from a failed hard drive? 

No, Internet Recovery Mode cannot recover data from a failed hard drive. It is designed to reinstall macOS on a new or erased hard drive, not to recover data from a failed one. Consider using a data recovery tool or service instead.

How long does it take to complete the Internet Recovery Mode process? 

The time it takes to complete the Internet Recovery Mode process depends on your internet speed, the size of the macOS installation file, and your Mac’s hardware. It may take several hours to complete the entire process, so ensure you have enough time and a stable internet connection before starting.

How can I check if my Mac supports Internet Recovery Mode?

To check if your Mac supports Internet Recovery Mode, power on your Mac and immediately press and hold the Command ⌘ + Option ⌥ + R keys. If your Mac enters Internet Recovery Mode, you will see a spinning globe or an indication on the screen.



Hi there! I'm Ojash, a tech journalist with over a decade of experience in the industry. I've had the privilege of contributing to some of the world's largest tech publications, making my mark as a respected Mac expert. My passion lies in exploring, using, and writing about MacBooks, and I enjoy sharing my expertise to help others make informed decisions and get the most out of their MacBook experience. Join me as we delve into the fascinating world of MacBooks together!

Hashir Ibrahim


Hello! I'm Hashir, a seasoned tech journalist with a unique blend of academic expertise and hands-on experience. With a bachelor's in IT, a master's in cybersecurity, and over a decade in the industry, I've built a reputation for demystifying complex Apple hardware. My work has been featured in top tech outlets like MakeUseOf and MakeTechEasier. As the senior writer at MacBook Journal, I write guides that help you solve any issues you have with your mac.

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