Common Mac keyboard shortcuts to work faster:
- Use basic keyboard shortcuts like Command ⌘ + X, Command ⌘ + C, and Command ⌘ + V to cut, copy, and paste.
- Use Finder shortcuts like Command ⌘ + N to open a new Finder window or Command ⌘ + W to close the current window.
- Use Command ⌘ + Shift ⇧ + 4 to take the screenshot of the selected are.
- Use Command ⌘ + Space Bar to open Spotlight Search.
Tried and Tested ✅: The methods and steps mentioned in this article have been tried and tested firsthand by Ojash Yadav on his MacBook Pro M3 and rechecked for errors on Hashir’s MacBook Air M2.
I’ve put together this quick list of Safari shortcuts that I’ve personally tested and loved. If you want a faster, smoother browsing experience on your Mac, these shortcuts will do the trick. Let’s explore!
Mac Keyboard Shortcuts
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For years, I’ve gathered and refined a collection of useful shortcuts, and I’m thrilled to share them with you. I’ve personally tested these keyboard shortcuts on my MacBook Air M2, 2022 running on macOS Sequoia, but most of them should also work on older versions of macOS.
The shortcuts mentioned in this article work on most latest macOS versions. You can consult Apple Support to find out which macOS version is the latest.
Let’s get started.
Mac Keyboard Symbols
Symbol | Name on Keyboard |
⌘ | Command (⌘) (formerly known as Apple key) |
⌥ | Option (⌥) |
⇧ | Shift |
⌃ | Control (⌃) |
fn |
Basic Keyboard Shortcuts for Mac
These Mac keyboard shortcuts are the ones you’ll be using the most, so it’s worth committing them to memory. Here are just a few examples to get you started:
Shortcut | Correct Action |
Command ⌘ + X | Cut the selected item to the Clipboard |
Command ⌘ + C | Copy the selected item to the Clipboard |
Command ⌘ + V | Paste Clipboard contents into the current document or app |
Command ⌘ + Z | Undo the previous command |
Shift ⇧ + Command ⌘ + Z | Redo the previous command |
Command ⌘ + A | Select all items |
Command ⌘ + F | Find items in a document or open a Find window |
Command ⌘ + G | Find the next occurrence of a previously found item (i.e., “Find Again”) |
Command ⌘ + H | Hide windows of the front app; Option ⌥ + Command ⌘ + H hides others |
Command ⌘ + M | Minimize the front window to the Dock; Option ⌥ + Command ⌘ + M minimizes all windows of that app |
Command ⌘ + O | Open the selected item (or open a dialog to select a file) |
Command ⌘ + W | Close the front window; Option ⌥ + Command ⌘ + W closes all windows of that app |
Command ⌘ + P | Print current document |
Command ⌘ + S | Save current document |
Command ⌘ + T | Open a new tab (in apps that support tabs) |
Option ⌥ + Command ⌘ + Esc | Force quit an app |
Command ⌘ + Space | Show or hide Spotlight search (Option ⌥ + Command ⌘ + Space opens Finder-based search, depending on your system preferences) |
Control ⌃ + Command ⌘ + Space | Show the Character Viewer (emoji & symbols) |
Control ⌃ + Command ⌘ + F | Enter full screen mode for the active app (if supported) |
Space bar | With a file selected in Finder, press Space to Quick Look (preview) |
Command ⌘ + Tab | Switch to the next most recently used app among open apps |
Command ⌘ + ` | Switch windows within the same app |
Shift ⇧ + Command ⌘ + 5 | Open the screenshot toolbar (macOS Mojave or later). Shift ⇧ + Command ⌘ + 3 or 4 still work for single-step screenshots. |
Command ⌘ + , (comma) | Open preferences for the front app |
Keyboard Shortcuts for Finder
Whether you’re looking to navigate through Finder folders, copy and paste files, or search for specific items, Mac keyboard shortcuts can help you get things done more quickly. Here are some useful keyboard shortcuts for Finder:
Shortcut | Action |
Command ⌘ + N | Create a new Finder window |
Command ⌘ + T | Show or hide the tab bar in a Finder window |
Command ⌘ + ↓ | Open the selected item |
Command ⌘ + ↑ | Open the folder containing the current file or folder |
Command ⌘ + O | Open the selected item or a dialog to select a file |
Command ⌘ + W | Close the current window |
Command ⌘ + I | Show the Get Info window for the selected item |
Command ⌘ + F | Open a Spotlight search window |
Command ⌘ + Space bar | Show or hide the Spotlight search field |
Command ⌘ + Delete | Move the selected item to the Trash |
Option ⌥ + Command ⌘ + W | Close all windows of the app |
Option ⌥ + Command ⌘ + L | Open the Downloads folder |
Option ⌥ + Command ⌘ + D | Show/hide the Desktop folder |
Option ⌥ + Command ⌘ + P | Show/hide the path bar in Finder windows |
Option ⌥ + Command ⌘ + H | View the front app and hide other apps |
Shift ⇧ + Command ⌘ + G | Open the Go to Folder dialog |
Shift ⇧ + Command ⌘ + N | Create a new folder in the current folder |
Mac Keyboard Shortcuts for Screenshots
Mac keyboard shortcuts for screenshots guarantee quick and easy screen captures at your fingertips.Here are some essential keyboard shortcuts for taking screenshots on your Mac:
Shortcut | Action |
Command ⌘ + Shift ⇧ + 3 | Open the screenshot toolbar to choose from different screenshots and save the resulting capture to Clipboard |
Command ⌘ + Shift ⇧ + 4 | Take a screenshot of the selected area of the screen |
Command ⌘ + Shift ⇧ + 5 | Open the screenshot toolbar to choose from various screenshot options such as taking a screenshot or recording the screen |
Command ⌘ + Shift ⇧ + 6 | Take a screenshot of the touch bar |
Control ^+ Command ⌘ + Shift ⇧ + 3 | Take a screenshot of the entire screen and save it to Clipboard |
Control ^ + Command ⌘ + Shift ⇧ + 4 | Take a screenshot of a selected area and save it to Clipboard |
Control ^ + Command ⌘ + Shift ⇧ + 5 | Open the screenshot toolbar to choose from different screenshot and save the resulting capture to Clipboard |
Control ^ + Command ⌘ + Shift ⇧ + 6 | Take a screenshot of the touch bar and save it to Clipboard |
Safari Keyboard Shortcuts
Here are some Safari keyboard shortcuts to take your browsing game to the next level:
Shortcut | Action |
Command ⌘ + N | Opens a new window in Safari |
Command ⌘ + T | Opens a new tab in Safari |
Command ⌘ + W | Closes the current window in Safari |
Command ⌘ + Shift ⇧ + T | Reopens the last closed tab in Safari |
Command ⌘ + R | Reloads the current webpage in Safari |
Command ⌘ + L | Highlights the URL/address bar in Safari |
Command ⌘ + Option ⌥ + F | Shows or hides the Favorites bar in Safari |
Command ⌘ + D | Adds the current webpage to your bookmarks in Safari |
Command ⌘ + Shift ⇧ + D | Adds all open tabs to a new bookmark folder in Safari |
Command ⌘ + E | Opens a search bar to search for text on the current webpage in Safari¹ |
Command ⌘ + Shift ⇧ + Click | Opens a link in a new tab and switches to that tab in Safari |
Command ⌘ + Click | Opens a link in a new tab in Safari |
Command ⌘ + Option ⌥ + Click | Downloads the linked file in Safari |
App Switcher Shortcuts
Shortcut | Action |
Command ⌘ + tab | Quickly switch to the last used app |
Command ⌘ + Q | Quit an app in the app switcher |
Command ⌘ + H | Hide an app in the app switcher |
Command ⌘ + Esc or period (.) | Cancel the app switcher |
Mac Keyboard Shortcuts to Manage Windows & Dialogs
Shortcut | Action |
Command ⌘ + Tilde (~) | Switch to the next window |
Command ⌘ + Shift ⇧ + Tilde (~) | Switch to the previous window |
Command ⌘ + click the window name in the titlebar | See where the file/folder is located |
Command ⌘ + drag the window’s titlebar without switching to it | Move a window in the background |
Command ⌘ + D or Command ⌘ + Delete | Choose “Don’t Save” in a Dialog |
Dock Shortcuts
Shortcut | Action |
Command ⌘ + Option ⌥ click an app’s icon | Hide all apps except the one you’re clicking |
Option ⌥ click another app’s icon | Hide the app you’re leaving |
Command ⌘ click a Dock item’s icon | Reveal the item’s location in the Finder |
Command ⌘ + Option ⌥ while dragging the file onto an app’s icon in the Dock | Force a file to open in a specific app |
Hold Shift ⇧ and drag Dock divider | Move Dock to left, right, or bottom of the screen |
Command ⌘ + plus(+) or Command ⌘ + minus(–) | Change the icon size of a stack |
Hold Control ^ + Shift ⇧ | Turn magnification on/off |
Hold Option ⌥ while dragging Dock separator | Force the Dock to only resize to non-interpolated icon sizes |
Keyboard Shortcuts for Apple Mail
Shortcut | Action |
Command ⌘ + N | Create a new email |
Command ⌘ + Shift ⇧ + N | Create a new email in a new window |
Command ⌘ + Shift ⇧ + D | Send the selected email |
Command ⌘ + R | Reply to the selected email |
Command ⌘ + Shift ⇧ + R | Reply all recipients |
Command ⌘ + F | Search the current email |
Command ⌘ + Option ⌥ + F | Search all emails |
Command ⌘ + Shift ⇧ + J | Move the selected email to the Junk mailbox |
Command ⌘ + Option ⌥ + J | Mark the selected email as junk |
Command ⌘ + Shift ⇧ + U | Mark the selected email as unread |
Command ⌘ + Shift ⇧ + T | Add the selected email sender to your contacts |
Command ⌘ + Shift ⇧ + L | Apply a flag to the selected email |
Command ⌘ + Option ⌥ + L | Remove a flag from the selected email |
Command ⌘ + 1 | Open the inbox in Apple Mail |
Command ⌘ + 2 | Open the drafts mailbox |
Command ⌘ + 3 | Open the sent mailbox |
Command ⌘ + 4 | Open the junk mailbox |
Command ⌘ + 5 | Open the trash mailbox |
Document Keyboard Shortcuts
Shortcut | Action |
Command ⌘ + N | Creates a new document |
Command ⌘ + O | Opens an existing document |
Command ⌘ + S | Saves the current document |
Command ⌘ + Shift ⇧ + S | Saves the current document with a new name or in a new location |
Command ⌘ + P | Prints the current document |
Command ⌘ + Z | Undoes the last action |
Command ⌘ + Shift ⇧ + Z | Redoes the last action |
Command ⌘ + X | Cuts the selected text or object |
Command ⌘ + C | Copies the selected text or object |
Command ⌘ + V | Pastes the previously cut or copied text or object |
Command ⌘ + A | Selects all text or objects in the current document |
Command ⌘ + F | Opens a search bar to search for text in the current document |
Command ⌘ + G | Finds the next occurrence of the search term in the current document |
Command ⌘ + Shift ⇧ + G | Finds the previous occurrence of the search term in the current document |
Command ⌘ + B | Makes the selected text bold |
Command ⌘ + I | Makes the selected text italic |
Command ⌘ + U | Underlines the selected text |
Command ⌘ + Shift ⇧ + V | Pastes text without any formatting |
Some of these keyboard shortcuts may vary depending on the specific application and version of macOS you are using.
Spotlight Shortcuts
Shortcut | Action |
Command ⌘ + Space | Opens Spotlight search |
Command ⌘ + Option ⌥ + Space | Opens Spotlight search in a new window |
Command ⌘ + Return | Opens the top hit in the Spotlight search results |
Command ⌘ + B | Opens a new Spotlight search in the default web browser |
Command ⌘ + L | Shows the location of the selected result in Finder |
Command ⌘ + I | Shows information about the selected result |
Command ⌘ + Delete | Removes the selected result from Spotlight search |
Command ⌘ + Up Arrow ↑ | Shows the Spotlight search result in Finder |
Command ⌘ + Down Arrow ↓ | Shows the next result in the Spotlight search results |
Command ⌘ + Option ⌥ + T | Shows and hides the location path bar in Spotlight |
Mac Keyboard Shortcuts for Mission Control
Shortcut | Action |
Mission Control | |
F3 or Control ⌃ + Up Arrow ↑ | Activates Mission Control |
Control ⌃ + Down Arrow ↓ | Shows all open windows for the current app in Mission Control |
Control ⌃ + Left Arrow ← | Moves to the desktop on the left in Mission Control |
Control ⌃ + Right Arrow → | Moves to the desktop on the right in Mission Control |
Spaces | |
Control ⌃ + Up Arrow ↑ | Shows all Mission Control spaces |
Control ⌃ + Down Arrow ↓ | Shows all windows in the current Mission Control space |
Control ⌃ + Left Arrow ← | Moves to the space on the left |
Control ⌃ + Right Arrow → | Moves to the space on the right |
Control ⌃ + [number] | Activates the Mission Control space with the corresponding number |
Application Windows | |
Command ⌘ + Up Arrow ↑ | Shows all open windows for the current app |
Command ⌘ + Down Arrow ↓ | Hides all open windows for the current app |
Option ⌥ + Up Arrow ↑ | Temporarily shows the desktop and any open windows in Mission Control |
Option ⌥ + Click | Hides all windows except the one clicked |
Troubleshooting Keyboard Shortcuts
Whether you’re trying to force quit a frozen app or need to reset your PRAM, Mac keyboard shortcuts can be really helpful. Here are a few easy-to-remember shortcuts for fixing common issues with your Mac:
Shortcut | Action |
Option ⌥ at startup | Display the Startup Manager to choose a startup disk |
Shift ⇧ at startup | Boot your Mac in Safe Mode |
D at startup | Run Apple Diagnostics |
Command ⌘ + R at startup | Boot your Mac into Recovery Mode |
Option ⌥ + Command ⌘ + R at startup | Boot your Mac into Internet Recovery Mode |
Command ⌘ + Option ⌥ + P + R at startup | Reset NVRAM |
Control ⌃ + Command ⌘ + Power button | Restart the Mac immediately |
Control ⌃ + Option ⌥ + Command ⌘ + Power button | Shut down your Mac immediately |
Option ⌥ + Command ⌘ + Power button | Put the Mac to sleep immediately |
Shift ⇧ + Control ⌃ + Power button | Put the display to sleep |
Command ⌘ + Shift ⇧ + Q | Log out of your user account |
Command ⌘ + Shift ⇧ + Option ⌥ + Q | Log out of your user account immediately, without a confirmation prompt |
How to Customize Keyboard Shortcuts on a Mac
You can aslo customize your Mac keyboard shortcuts. You can create shortcuts for your most frequently used apps or features and save yourself a ton of time. So let’s see how to create your own custom shortcuts on Mac:
- Click the Apple icon and select System Settings.
- Click Keyboard in the left sidebar and tap the Keyboard Shortcuts button.
- You’ll see different options in the left sidebar. When you click one, you’ll see different keyboard shortcuts.
- To customize the keyboard shortcut, double-click the key combination, type the new keys, and press Done.
- If you want to assign a keyboard shortcut to a specific application, click App Shortcuts in the left sidebar and tap the little + icon on the right side.
- A new window will appear. Click the All Applications button and choose the application for which you want to customize keyboard shortcuts.
- Type the Menu Title, Keyboard Shortcut, and click Done to save the shortcut.
Use Mac Keyboard Shortcuts to Maximize Productivity
By memorizing a few key combinations, customizing your shortcuts, and taking the time to learn app-specific shortcuts, you can save time and effort every day. If you want to maximize your productivity further, here are a few tips:
- Organize your Mac files to find the ones you’re looking for easily.
- Declutter your Mac desktop and folders to save time and improve focus.
- Improve your system’s performance by cleaning junk files on your Mac regularly.